In October 2001, in Liberty City, an ambitious criminal and a thief, named Claude, robs a bank with his girlfriend and accomplice, Catalina. They are shown escaping from the Liberty City Bank, but Catalina kills their accomplice. She tells him that she is ambitious, and that he is just "small time" shooting him and leaving him for dead, escaping with her new boyfriend, Miguel. Although he survives the wound, he is arrested and sentenced to 10 years in a Liberty City Prison.
Here are the system requirements for Grand Theft Auto 3 for the PC:
Minimum System Requirements:
Pentium III 450 CPU
16MB Direct3D Video Card
Fully DirectX compatible Sound Card
8X CD-Rom
500MB free hard disk space
Win 98/ME/2000/XP
Direct X 8.1
Recommended System Requirements
700 mhz CPU
32MB Direct3D Video Card
Fully DirectX compatible Sound Card
8X CD-Rom
500MB free hard disk space
Win 98/ME/2000/XP
Direct X 8.1
Windows NT (any version)
file size 230mb gta 3 download
Cheat Codes
Result Cheat Code
All weapons ---------------- gunsgunsguns
Extra money ---------------- ifiwerearichman
Full health --------------- gesundheit
Higher wanted level morepoliceplease
Lower wanted level------------- nopoliceplease
Tank (Rhino) ------------------ giveusatank
Destroy all cars-------------------- bangbangbang
Change costume ilikedressingup
Crazy pedestrians itsallgoingmaaad
All pedestrians attack you nobodylikesme
Pedestrians fight each other weaponsforall
Time advances quicker timeflieswhenyou
Very fast game clock madweather
Faster game play boooooring
100% armor turtoise
Clear weather skincancerforme
Cloudy weather ilikescotland
Rainy weather ilovescotland
Foggy weather peasoup
Invisible cars; wheels only anicesetofwheels
Flying car chittychittybb
Improved car handling cornerslikemad
Gore mode nastylimbscheat
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